The FunnelWeb source code is entirely contained within the sources directory. However, some simple script files and makefiles can be found in the admin directory.
FunnelWeb contains some machine-dependent components, so before compiling FunnelWeb, you need to specify your machine in the source file environ.h. To do this, edit the environ.h file and set exactly one of the machine name #defines to 1. For example, on the Sun you should set:
#define MAC 0 #define SUN 1 #define VMS 0 #define PC 0
There should be little difficulty compiling FunnelWeb for any of these platforms. If the machine on which you are compiling FunnelWeb is not one of the ones listed in the environ.h file, then choose the closest one you can. Try the SUN if you are running a non-Sun Unix. If you run into serious difficulties, you will have to customize machin.h and machin.c for your machine. See the comments in these files for instructions on how to do this.
Once you have specified a target machine, compile FunnelWeb by pointing your C compiler at all the ``.c'' files in the sources directory. The ``.txt'', and ``.tex'' files do not participate in the compilation, but appear in the sources directory because they were used to generate the ``.ctx'' files. The ``.ctx'' files are included by .c files of the same name and do not need to be compiled separately. Link the results.
The result of all this should be a binary executable called fw, or fw.exe, or where .xxx is whatever file extension is appropriate on the target machine. Clean up the sources directory by deleting all the listing and object files.